Student Senate Members

The Senate consists of a six-member Executive Board, a Legislature responsible for major decisions, and the ten students who sit on the College’s Judicial Council.

Executive Branch

  • 学生会的行政部门由执行委员会和内阁组成, which collectively organize, coordinate, and oversee all actions and activities of the Pitzer College Student Senate. 
  • 执行委员会由学生会主席和五名副主席组成. 
  • 执行局的每一位成员都是在各自的职位上独立选举产生的, and each has a number of unique duties and responsibilities. 
  • 执行委员会的所有成员都在各种不同的学院和学生委员会任职, often in leadership capacities. 除了所有定期召开的学生会会议外,他们每周至少私下会面一次, 他们与立法机关和内阁密切合作,确保政府各部门顺利有效地运作. 
  • The Cabinet, which supports the Executive Board, consists of a Presiding Officer, Treasurer, Internal Secretary, Secretary of Student Organization, Public Relations Director, and Co-Events Board Chairs.

Legislative Branch

  • The legislative branch of the Student Senate consists of a unicameral body, composed of a mixture of elected and appointed Senators. 
  • 大多数参议员代表学生群体,并被分配到学院委员会任职. 
  • A small number of senators are elected to represent special constituencies. 
  • The legislature convenes on a weekly basis during the academic year, 或在执行局召开紧急会议的特殊情况下. They collectively vote on and approve all legislation, including resolutions, bills, and constitutional amendments.

Judicial Branch

Judicial Council

  • 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台司法委员会是一个政策执行机构,负责审查违反《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台学生行为准则》的行为.

Adjudication Board

  • 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台学生参议院裁决委员会对有关其管理文件的含义或解释的争议承担唯一责任. 
  • 它由五名成员组成,其中包括担任主席的代理主持官员和四名参议员.

Executive Branch

Paa Thompson, President

学生参议会主席是匹泽学院学生的官方代表和发言人,帮助指导参议会实施其优先事项和目标. 总统作为一个整体监督行政部门和参议院的运作.

Richard Julian Ampah, Vice President of External Affairs

对外事务副主席(VPex)负责管理和监督学生会与学院的互动, and joint projects with staff, faculty, and administration. VPex为Pitzer学院常务委员会的学生代表和这些职位的学生提供协调和指导. While every member of the Executive Branch must engage with staff, faculty, administration, and trustees, VPex有责任确保参议院积极参与共享治理过程.

Jasmine Ali, Vice President of Internal Affairs

内务副主席负责协调学生会的内部工作. It’s the VP’s role to guide and advise the Internal Secretary, helping members of Senate draft legislation, helping students get involved on task forces, and stepping in wherever Senate needs additional support.

Ella Hale, Vice President of Finance

The Vice President of Finance (VPf) manages the budget of Student Senate. 副主席的职责是计划和跟踪学生会的年度预算,并实施对该系统的长期改革. This involves several major duties including chairing Budget Committee, club and organization budget hearings, preparing the annual budget, reporting the finances of Student Senate, and managing the credit cards.

Siya Bhola, Vice President of Student Engagement

学生参与副校长(VPse)协调参议院的努力,丰富学生在匹泽学院的生活. 副校长的职责是监督学院所有的俱乐部和学生组织,并与学生组织秘书密切合作, Secretary of Diversity, and Secretary of Events.

Lola Latan, Vice President of Diversity

多元化副总裁(VPd)为所有身份群体提供指导. 副校长的职责是在身份群体和学生会的其他部分之间进行协调,并强调校园中历史上被边缘化社区的利益和需求.


Marilyn Su, Treasurer

The Treasurer’s primary duty is to manage reimbursements for Student Senate, 并协助财务副总裁主持预算委员会会议.

Nicky Paterniti, Public Relations Director

公共关系总监通过定期更新参议院网站和上传社交媒体页面来促进公众沟通,以提高学生对议程项目的认识. 主任还与对外事务副校长和学生记者密切合作,确保所有书面报告和新闻文章准确无误,只包含事实信息.

Megha Madhabhushi & Kaitlyn O’Connor, Events Board Co-Chairs

活动委员会联合主席担任Pitzer学院活动委员会主席, which is Pitzer’s primary programming board for student-organized events. 活动委员会负责监督年度规划基金,并与活动工作人员密切合作, student organizations, 以及负责学生活动的副主席,每年都会举办各种各样的成功活动.

Secretary of Student Organizations

学生组织秘书监督学生组织,并确保他们遵守学生参议院章程的规章制度. 秘书每学期对学生参议会特许的所有学生组织进行一次审查,以核实其作为常设组织的活跃状态.

Mae Tranquilla, Internal Secretary

内部秘书负责保持学生代表大会的会议记录良好,组织有序. 秘书记录会议纪要,跟踪出勤情况,并确保文件正确分发. The Secretary also informs the student body of updates in Senate.

Sara Orr, Identity Board Chair

Special Representatives

(First-Year Class Representative)

First-Year Class Representative

Amirah Haque

Sophomore Class Representative

Isa Iqbal

Junior Class Representative

Sara Kimura

Senior Class Representative

Stella Stringer

Environmental Representative

(International Representative)

International Representative

Charlie Morris

Athletics Commissioner

(Inside Student Representative)

Inside Student Representative

Zoe Vuillermet

Liaison for the Inside Student Representative

Ronnie Whisenant

New Resource Student Representative

(Office of Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct)

Office of Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Representative

Student Affairs Committees

Alexander Grigorian, Aylin Metzel, L. Brock, Anya M Sharma

Campus Aesthetics Committee

Akniyet Aldabergen, Sophia Katinos

Teaching, Learning & Campus Life Committee

Carter Soe, Lue Khoury

Diversity Committee

Mana Hashimoto

Student-Alumni Relations Committee

Academic Affairs Committees

Saman Alikhani, Shannon Wong

Academic Planning Committee

(Academic Standards Committee)

Academic Standards Committee

Aidan Henrikson

Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure Committee

Finnan MacRunnels, Sami Gottsegen, Chiara O'Leary-Digiorgio

Curriculum Committee

Diego Tamayo, Eitan Goldfein

Study Abroad and International Programs Committee

Annie Voss

Faculty Executive Committee

Judicial Branch

Judicial Council Representatives


Adjudication Board

裁决委员会:匹泽学院学生参议院裁决委员会承担值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台其管理文件的含义或解释的裁决争议的唯一责任. 它由五名成员组成,其中包括担任主席的代理主持官员和四名参议员.